Our multi-disciplinary Movement and Treatment Studio consists of an Osteopath, Registered Kinesiologists and Dietitian, Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
Here is a little about each of us and our areas of expertise.
Jennifer Donnelly-Vanderloo
Registered Dietitian
Assessing & counselling adults who are 50+ years of age. Helping to set and meet nutritional targets to improve skin integrity, muscular strength, bone and digestive health.
Nutritional advise to women going through hormonal changes.
Evidence-based cognitive behavior therapy for people looking to establish a healthy relationship with food and healthy habits.
Julie McLean
Registered Kinesiologist
Functional Strength Training
Gait Analysis
Improve movement efficiency for injury prevention + athletic performance
Passive & Active Fascial release stretching
Postural & balance training
Training for people with Osteoporosis (BoneFit™)
Pre & Post Natal Exercise Specialist